Liberty Boulevard Elementary Home

Self Love

Principal's Message and School MIssion

Principal's Message 

The staff at Liberty Boulevard Elementary STEAM School is committed to working collaboratively with parents and students in promoting excellence in education through high-quality, research-based instruction, coaching, and outreach, to equip students with a solid foundation to become reflective lifelong learners and successful leaders of the global community in the 21st century.
The vision of Liberty Boulevard Elementary STEAM School will ensure that all staff, parents, and students will be happy high achievers.
Our Mission
The staff at Liberty Boulevard Elementary STEAM School is committed to working collaboratively with parents and students in promoting excellence in education through high-quality, research-based instruction, coaching, and outreach, to equip students with a solid foundation to become reflective lifelong learners and successful leaders of the global community in the 21st century.
The mission of the staff at Liberty Boulevard Elementary STEAM is:
To promote opportunities for all students to achieve their maximum potential in all aspects of life - academic, social, emotional, and physical for the purpose of educating the whole child
To focus our institution and resources to equip students with skills and character that will serve as building blocks to become effective leaders
To provide instruction and support to meet the needs of diverse learners in our school community
To educate every student with respect - maximizing their strengths and talents, honoring their beliefs, and working collaboratively to overcome their challenges
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